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Monday 9 December 2019

How to Increase Views of my Blog Post

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How to Increase Views of my Blog Post

Hello friend,
   This post is help those people which have Blogger and daily post on your blog ,
but when i beginners have search lot of thing to grow post, in that reason different setting is changed as par given knowledge hence the result is mix, not give proper result as par desire
How to Increase Views of my Blog Post
(How To Increase views)
If you want to grow your blog and this is more important for update some setting so your blog visibility increase and you post is on in google search result.

Meta Tags Description
How to Increase Views of my Blog Post
Go to left side menu bar in your blog than go to Setting than Search Preferences than go to Meta Tags Description than Enable Search Description select option of Yes than In This option wrote a description of your blog in 150 Characters Allowed show after your blog URL your Search Description Show in Google search engine.

Example: "A blog about social networking and web design."

Than Click on Save

Crawlers and indexing
In this option very important is that if you Dont knowledge about given option dont change because this may effect blog post of search engine
1. Google Search Console : In this option you can add your blog to google with the help of google webmaster tool 
2. Custom Robots.txt : if this Disabled than enable this option and 

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /


Save this setting only change in this code add your site which is blink in Yellow

3. Custom Robot Headers Tag : If you have no idea of this setting than no change it , Because this setting effect your search engine of your post wrong setting than search engine not optimize you post than result is that even you post a article but not showing in google Search and If you want to check  post URL than open article than go to new tab and open google .com than paste Post URL in google search bar than check copied URL and Search Result Of Google match than no issue, and if Copied URL not match with Search Result URL than or Showing Your Other Post URL than Wong setting is done in Custom Robot Headers Tags Than change it
How to Increase Views of my Blog Post
How to Increase Views of my Blog Post

Wrong Selection Of Custom Robot Headers  Result It will effect search engine result

How to Increase Views of my Blog Post
 If you are setting given below option selection which is wrong so do not select option is given below
It effect is that your real post not showing on google search result than how can views increase of this post if your post is not showing in Google search Result than how become visitors come your site
How to Increase Views of my Blog Post

If you not changed than your post is not comes in search result and people search different tittle and result is different than Google Policy Violation 
For More Details :

1 comment:

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